
Junior ISA

With Fidelity's Junior ISA you can invest up to £4,080 on behalf of a child in a tax-efficient way.

Junior ISA explained

As the name suggests, a Junior ISA (sometimes called a JISA) is an individual savings account designed for children under the age of 18.

Each tax year the Government allows a tax-efficient investment to be made by a registered contact such as a parent or guardian on behalf of a child. This tax year (2016/17) the maximum allowance is £4,080.

As with our ISA, you can choose to invest your money in stocks and shares through funds, cash or a mixture of both. But – unlike adult ISAs – the money can’t be withdrawn until the named account holder reaches 18 years of age. We have a range of investment options and guidance tools to help you choose the right funds.

Fidelity's minimum investments:

  • Lump sum: £500
  • Monthly contributions: £50
  • Top up: £250

Important information

The value of investments can go down as well as up so your child may not get back the amount you invest. Tax savings and eligibility to invest in a Junior ISA depend on personal circumstances. All tax rules may change in the future. Any contribution to a Junior ISA is a gift to the child and it cannot be returned to the contributor at a later date if the contributor subsequently changes their mind.

We also offer a range of funds below for you to consider based on selecting risk levels. This is not a recommendation or advice and is for you to consider if they fit your personal circumstances. If you are unsure of the suitability of an investment you should speak to an authorised financial adviser.

Alternatively, to see the full range of our investment options please visit our Helping you invest page.

  • Invest £4,080 this tax year
  • Tax-efficient
  • Invest for a child's future
Junior ISA explained

Consider a fund – based on a risk level you select

Once you have made your selection you will see three fund options to consider. They all carry the same level of risk, but have different charges and investment management styles. Risk is only one aspect of investing and you should also consider your savings goal and the time horizon you want to invest. Remember to review your investments regularly to ensure you're still on track.

About Fidelity

Fidelity is a privately owned investment company – we don’t report to City analysts and we’re not a bank. We manage investments for our customers and have done so since 1969. We now manage over £184.2 billion for investors around the world.

(figures as of June 2015)

Important Information

Fidelity Personal Investing does not give advice based on personal circumstances so you are responsible for deciding whether an investment is suitable for you. In doing so, please remember that past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance, the performance of funds is not guaranteed and the value of your investments can go down as well as up, so you may get back less than you invest. When investments have particular tax features, these will depend on your personal circumstances and tax rules may change in the future. Before investing into a fund, please read the relevant Key Investor Information Document (KIID) or the Fund Specific Information (FSI) and ‘Doing Business with Fidelity’, a document that incorporates our Client Terms. If you are investing via the Fidelity SIPP you should also read the Fidelity SIPP Key Features Document incorporating the Fidelity SIPP Terms and Conditions. You should regularly review your investment objectives and choices and if you are unsure whether an investment is suitable for you, you should contact an authorised financial adviser.

FIL Investments International is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.