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Grove House

1 Bettyglen

Raheny, Dublin 5


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This is the year of construction of your house. Unfortunately we are not in a position to cover houses that are built prior to the year 1920 without referral.

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This is the year of construction of your house. Unfortunately we are not in a position to cover houses that are built prior to the year 1920 without referral.

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This is the year of construction of your house. Unfortunately we are not in a position to cover houses that are built prior to the year 1920 without referral.

About Your Cover

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This is the year of construction of your house. Unfortunately we are not in a position to cover houses that are built prior to the year 1920 without referral.

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This is the year of construction of your house. Unfortunately we are not in a position to cover houses that are built prior to the year 1920 without referral.

About You

We may contact you in relation to this quote.
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This is the year of construction of your house. Unfortunately we are not in a position to cover houses that are built prior to the year 1920 without referral.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas vehicula odio et velit tincidunt hendrerit. Morbi nec suscipit tellus. Donec iaculis euismod interdum. Cras lobortis faucibus dapibus. Sed nec viverra risus. Sed viverra augue vitae dolor euismod porta. Vestibulum fermentum, velit in tempor faucibus, sem massa consequat erat, et consequat tellus nisi ac tortor. In id ante at neque pretium malesuada. Curabitur porttitor vehicula nisl, eget suscipit tellus fermentum sit amet. Vestibulum ullamcorper malesuada tortor dictum tristique. Sed malesuada tortor sit amet arcu sodales, vitae cursus quam volutpat. Quisque id nibh quis dui varius adipiscing a et leo. Etiam molestie commodo ante. Fusce eget odio viverra, congue purus eget, vehicula lectus.

Nam in nunc odio. Suspendisse tincidunt risus eu leo laoreet varius. Nunc dapibus dui non elit dictum hendrerit. Vivamus dolor nisl, luctus vitae lacus eget, molestie hendrerit massa. Fusce elementum at dolor et luctus. Suspendisse potenti. Etiam iaculis turpis sit amet mauris eleifend, quis fermentum sapien rutrum. Cras elementum ullamcorper malesuada. Vivamus convallis ipsum eget lacinia varius.

Cras id tortor at risus rutrum pellentesque ut sed turpis. Proin facilisis est et purus rhoncus, id euismod neque posuere. Etiam consequat adipiscing quam, ut venenatis nunc vulputate at. Etiam eleifend elementum nisi, vitae tincidunt nisl rhoncus vitae. Curabitur sit amet dolor tellus. Sed in pretium mi, nec tincidunt est. Morbi ut tempor massa. Mauris tempor, nisl et porttitor euismod, massa turpis venenatis justo, vel hendrerit urna eros vel urna. Nullam scelerisque tristique nulla eu aliquet. Cras consequat ultricies vestibulum. Nam pulvinar turpis nisl, vitae auctor mi ornare a. Suspendisse convallis tellus tellus, a tempor arcu dictum vel. Aenean et magna porta, commodo sapien ut, varius tortor. Praesent nisl nisl, suscipit sit amet quam quis, mollis lacinia odio.

Nam sollicitudin sit amet justo scelerisque fermentum. Aliquam vitae consectetur neque, et rutrum felis. Aenean facilisis arcu malesuada lectus interdum, vitae auctor nulla dapibus. Donec vestibulum enim ac interdum tristique. Ut tempor ipsum vitae lectus feugiat mattis. Morbi sit amet tincidunt augue, ac eleifend nulla. Morbi consectetur purus arcu, quis viverra justo vehicula nec.

Curabitur vehicula euismod sollicitudin. Fusce rutrum, tortor sit amet malesuada rhoncus, magna magna consequat tortor, condimentum feugiat est tellus sit amet eros. Duis neque metus, varius id lorem et, semper hendrerit lacus. Quisque vel sem et lectus cursus convallis. Vestibulum venenatis quis lacus nec semper. Sed tempor ultricies lorem, ut tincidunt magna auctor et. Nunc condimentum est elit, eget bibendum velit laoreet non. Vivamus posuere risus eget nibh mattis, a tincidunt orci sagittis.

*30% off our standard rates. Offer only available to new policies and for the first year of the policy only. Subject to a minimum premium of €220 (plus government levy). Offer ends November 30th 2013. Terms and conditions apply. Bank of Ireland is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.

Contact & Help

If you need any help with your quote you can call us on

0818 200 350

9am - 5.30pm Mon to Fri


Home Insurance is provided by Bank of Ireland Insurance Services Limited. Bank of Ireland Insurance Services Limited is a member of the Bank of Ireland Group. Bank of Ireland Insurance Services Limited is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. Bank of Ireland Home Insurance is underwritten by RSA Insurance Ireland Limited. RSA Insurance Ireland Limited is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. Bank of Ireland Insurance Services Limited is tied to RSA Insurance Ireland Limited for the purpose of selling Home Insurance.